trikota hat şlýapa

trikota hat şlýapa

Gysga düşündiriş:

1. zolakly trikota hat şlýapa, eplenip bilýär
2. 100% akril trikota hat şlýapa
3. Reňk: colorhli reňk bar
4: Logotip: omöriteleşdirilen logo
5. Gaplamak: 12pc / polbag, 60pcs / içki guty, 120pcs / karton
6. Kartonyň ululygy : 44 * 42 * 30CM
7. GW: 9.5KG
8. NW: 7.5KG

Önümiň jikme-jigi

Haryt bellikleri

1. Trhli trikotaats şlýapalar / Beanie şlýapa / Öz zawodymyzdan ýasalan gyş şlýapa.
2. Trikota Hat şlýapalaryna / Beanie şlýapa / Gyş şlýapa dizaýn edip, öz logotipiňizi goýup bilersiňiz.

Her önümçilik prosesinde hilini, tejribeli QC-leri kepillendirmek we gaplamada bir gezek gözden geçirmek.

Mata, keşde ýa-da çaphana we esbaplardan başlap, her önümçilik prosesiniň gowy hyzmatdaşlygy bilen her sargyt üçin gowşuryş wagtyny kepillendirmek

Müşderileriň isleglerine haýal etmän jogap bermek üçin tejribeli satuw güýjümiz elmydama soraglara jogap bermäge, soragnamalara jogap bermäge we seslenmä jogap bermäge we sargydyňyzy ýapmaga taýýardyr.

Uzak möhletli gatnaşyklara elmydama sabyrsyzlyk bilen garaşýarys.

Islegiňiz bilen bize geliň, 12 sagadyň dowamynda hünär teklibimizi alarsyňyz.

Işiňiz bilen kömek edeliň.

Hyzmatlarymyz we güýjümiz
Kesmekden tikinçilik, timarlamak we ütüklemek ýaly hünärli önümçilik toparymyz bar.Singleeke we uly göwrümli özleşdirmegi goldaýarys.Dizaýn çyzgylaryny ýa-da suratlaryny iberýänçäňiz, olary siziň üçin düzüp bileris.Nagyş, çap we şlýapa görnüşleriniň hemmesini göz öňüne getirişiňiz ýaly edip bolýar.

Product Tags: knitted hat promotion hatCheap  Cheap Knitted Hat Knitted Beanie Knitted Hat Knitted Scarf Knitted Toque Men Knitted Scarf  1. All Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter hat made from our own factory. 2.  You can design and put you own logo on the Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter Hat .   To guarantee the quality, experienced QC′s at each production process and final one by one inspection at the packing.  To guarantee the delivery time for every order by good cooperation of each production process from fabric, embroidery or printing and accessories etc  To promptly respond to customers′ demands, our experienced sales force are always ready to answer questions, handle inquiries, and respond to feedback and following closed to your order.  We are always looking forward to the long term relationships.  Come to us with your request, you will get our professional proposal within 12 hours.  Let′s help with your business.  Our Services & Strength  We have a professional production team from cutting to sewing, to finishing and ironing. We support single and large-scale customization. As long as you send design drawings or pictures, we can customize them for you. All kinds of embroidery, printing and hat types can be done as long as you imagine. Product Tags: knitted hat promotion hatCheap  Cheap Knitted Hat Knitted Beanie Knitted Hat Knitted Scarf Knitted Toque Men Knitted Scarf  1. All Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter hat made from our own factory. 2.  You can design and put you own logo on the Knitted Hats / Beanie Hat / Winter Hat .   To guarantee the quality, experienced QC′s at each production process and final one by one inspection at the packing.  To guarantee the delivery time for every order by good cooperation of each production process from fabric, embroidery or printing and accessories etc  To promptly respond to customers′ demands, our experienced sales force are always ready to answer questions, handle inquiries, and respond to feedback and following closed to your order.  We are always looking forward to the long term relationships.  Come to us with your request, you will get our professional proposal within 12 hours.  Let′s help with your business.  Our Services & Strength  We have a professional production team from cutting to sewing, to finishing and ironing. We support single and large-scale customization. As long as you send design drawings or pictures, we can customize them for you. All kinds of embroidery, printing and hat types can be done as long as you imagine.

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    +86 13643317206